Human LRRC15-CHO-K1 Stable Cell Line

Catalog Number Product Size Price
C3082 Human LRRC15-CHO-K1 Stable Cell Line 2 vials $4950 Order

Product Specifications

Catalog Number C3082
Cell Line Name Human LRRC15-CHO-K1 Stable Cell Line
Accession Number NM_001135057.3
Host Cell Adherent CHO-K1
Quantity Two vials of frozen cells (2x106 per vial)
Culture Medium DMEM with 10% FBS, 4 µg/ml puromycin
Freezing Medium 90% FBS and 10% DMSO
Storage Liquid nitrogen upon receipt
Product Datasheet: Download PDF

Representative Data

Detection of human LRRC15 expression on human LRRC15-CHO-K1 stable cells using a monoclonal antibody specific for human LRRC15 (R&D Systems, Cat. #MAB11324) followed by staining with PE-anti rabbit antibody.


LRRC15, also known as Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 15, is a protein in the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) family involved in various cellular processes, including cell adhesion, migration, and signaling. It is particularly implicated in modulating immune responses and inflammation. LRRC15 has been found to interact with different molecules, such as integrins and extracellular matrix proteins, suggesting its role in cell adhesion and migration. Tissue expression studies have shown that LRRC15 is widely expressed in the lung, kidney, liver, and immune cells and suggests its involvement in diverse physiological processes throughout the body. In the context of cancer, LRRC15 expression has been reported to be dysregulated in several cancer types. Its precise role in cancer progression and metastasis likely varies depending on the specific cancer type and microenvironment. LRRC15's involvement in immune modulation and cell adhesion suggests its potential significance in cancer progression and metastasis. LRRC15 may help modulate immune responses within the tumor microenvironment and inhibit cancer cell migration and metastasis holding promise as a therapeutic target in cancer treatment.


Ray U, Pathoulas CL, Thirusangu P, Purcell JW, Kannan N, Shridhar V. Exploiting LRRC15 as a Novel Therapeutic Target in Cancer. Cancer Res. 82(9):1675-1681. 2022.

Zhang Y, Lv D, Kim HJ, et al. A novel role of leucine rich repeat containing protein 15 (LRRC15) in the pathogenesis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Kidney Blood Press Res. 41(3):336-345. 2016.