Cynomolgus LAG-3-CHO-K1 Stable Cell Line

Catalog Number Product Size Price
C3071 Cynomolgus LAG-3-CHO-K1 Stable Cell Line 2 vials $4950 Order

Product Specifications

Catalog Number C3071
Cell Line Name Cynomolgus LAG-3-CHO-K1 Stable Cell Line
Accession Number XP_045220577.1
Host Cell Adherent CHO-K1
Quantity Two vials of frozen cells (2x106 per vial)
Culture Medium DMEM with 10% FBS, 4 µg/ml puromycin
Freezing Medium 90% FBS and 10% DMSO
Storage Liquid nitrogen upon receipt
Product Datasheet: Download PDF

Representative Data

Detection of human LAG-3 expression on cynomolgus LAG-3-CHO-K1 stable cells using a PE anti-human LAG-3 antibody (BioLegend, Cat. #369305).


LAG-3 (Lymphocyte-activation gene 3) is a protein receptor in the immunoglobulin superfamily expressed on various immune cells. LAG-3 interacts with major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to regulate T cell activation and tolerance. By binding to MHC-II, LAG-3 can negatively regulate the activation and proliferation of T cells, promoting immune tolerance and preventing excessive immune responses. LAG-3 is involved in maintaining immune homeostasis and preventing autoimmunity. The expression of LAG-3 in cancer is often upregulated in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and exhausted T cells within the tumor microenvironment leading to immune dysfunction and impaired antitumor immune responses. Tumor cells may exploit the LAG-3 pathway to evade immune surveillance and promote immune tolerance, thereby facilitating tumor growth and metastasis. The unique property of LAG-3 as an immune checkpoint molecule has led to its exploration as a potential therapeutic target in cancer immunotherapy.


Woo SR, Turnis ME, Goldberg MV, et al. Immune inhibitory molecules LAG-3 and PD-1 synergistically regulate T-cell function to promote tumoral immune escape. Cancer Res. 72:917-927.2012

Maruhashi T, Sugiura D, Okazaki IM, et al. LAG-3 inhibits the activation of CD4+ T cells that recognize stable pMHCII through its conformation-dependent recognition of pMHCII. Nat Immunol. 19:1415-1426.2018.

Andrews LP, Cillo AR, Karapetyan L, Kirkwood JM, Workman CJ, Vignali DAA. Molecular Pathways and Mechanisms of LAG3 in Cancer Therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 28:5030-5039. 2022.